Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Azienda: Ready to Rock Sundance 2012

Independent filmmakers from around the world flock to the snowy slopes of Utah every January for the Sundance Film Festival; some to spectate and celebrate, others looking to break onto the scene, and a select few who have managed to turn their visions into reality will be showcasing their work.

Of the countless films premiering at the 2012 festival, few will have the story behind them of Azienda; a twisting tale of deceit inside a mob-connected family. Shot on a shoestring budget by my boy Josh Webber and Michael Girgenti, the film was almost de-railed when a scary speedboat crash during filming brought a real-life brush with death, and took most of the equipment and footage down with the ship.

In a testament to their ambition, the young filmmakers - obviously phased - got right back on track, going at their project with even more focus: "We were able to do a lot of things better the second time around; it was a setback but it made us hungrier", Webber explains. They spent months living and breathing Azienda, flying between LA, New York and Chicago to finish what they started; the film miraculously will still meet its Sundance 2012 premiere date.

The trailer looks compelling and very polished for a film that was entirely indie; if it's any indication, the boys should have a hit on their hands. To find out more, check out

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